Updated 06/24/2020
A notice to our customers, friends & family:
As our community begins to feel the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19), I want to share with you the steps we’re taking to help protect the health and safety of our customers and our PageDesk Incorporated team members, which is always our top priority.
We’re closely monitoring local and national reports on the evolving impact of COVID-19 and, based on guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization and applicable public health agencies, we’ve developed plans and established a task force that will allow us to respond timely and appropriately.
We have increased our housekeeping and sanitation efforts in our corporate office. We are frequently disinfecting often-touched surfaces such as door handles, countertops, keypads and restroom surfaces. We’re asking all of our team members to follow the CDC guidelines to prevent the spread of the infection. In these efforts, we are advising our team members to use disposable gloves, disinfectant spray, and cleaning solutions.
We have implemented guidelines that instruct those team members who experience cold or flu-like symptoms, or individuals who have been diagnosed through testing with COVID-19 to stay home and follow the CDC’s instructions.
PageDesk cares about our customers and team members, and at the core of our commitment to you is, Excellent Customer Service. This will not change, even as the situation evolves, and we intend to continue to meet the needs and expectations of our customers and teams.
We will continue to monitor the situation and adjust the actions taken as necessary to help limit the spread of this virus and do our part in helping to protect our valued customers and team members during this time.
At this time, PageDesk Incorporated will not perform in home services for computer services, rather we would offer Remote Sessions and computer drop offs. Our corporate offices will be open Monday-Friday 10am to 6pm.
If you have any questions or issues, please contact our office directly.
In Health,
PageDesk Incorporated

PageDesk Incorporated will be open the following hours:
Monday- Friday 10am to 6pm
Saturday & Sunday: CLOSED